Abstract Submission Deadline |
1 Jan. 2014 |
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection of Abstract |
1 Mar. 2014 |
Full Paper/Presentation Requirements |
15 Mar. 2014 |
Oral Presenter 2-page CV Deadline |
15 Mar. 2014 |
Early Registration Deadline |
15 Apr. 2014 |
Late Registration Deadline |
1 Jun. 2014 |
Abstract and Presentation Types
You can submit an abstract to one of the following three types of communications:
- Poster
- Oral
- Symposium
- Early Innovators Session
The difference between an oral presentation and a symposium is that independent oral
presentations will be regrouped together by the Organizing Committee according to
keywords provided by the authors, while a symposium consists of a group of four or five
oral presentations selected and submitted together by one symposium chair.
Oral presentations are 15 minutes whereas presentations in the Early Innovators Session,
the panel dedicated to student presentations, are 10 minutes.
Submission of Abstracts and Papers
If you would like to present a poster, an oral presentation or a student oral presentation at
CYPSY19, please submit an abstract for the Scientific Committee to review based off of
the guidelines below. Workshops submissions are by invitation only.
Review Procedure:
Each submission is peer-reviewed and will be selected based
on scientific merit. Abstracts should clearly outline results from scientific studies.
All presentations must contain original and scientifically valid information. Reports
on completed research are clearly favored over descriptions of planned research.
Commercial promotion and funding requests are not appropriate. The Scientific
Committee will blindly review all abstracts and may invite the author(s) to make a poster
presentation at the conference even if they have requested an oral presentation. The oral/
poster/reject decision is at the discretion of the Scientific Committee.
Abstract Preparation:
Required structure: Title, Author/s, Affiliation/s, Short Abstracts (250 words),
Keywords, Introduction/Problem, Method/Tools, Results, Conclusion. You must
adhere to the document format requirements of IOS Press.
Novelty/Discussion: Please cover what makes this research different from
prior work by you or by others. Please focus on the most unique aspect of your
research, instead of broad implications.
References: Optional but appreciated. Please use ONLY the IOS Press standard
bibliographic format (see instructions and below).
File formats: Acceptable formats are Word 97, Word 2000, or Word XP format
(.doc). No .docx or LaTeX, please.
The conference is in English and all abstracts will need to be in English. Please
check spelling and grammar, as your abstract will be printed in the conference
If English is not your native language, please have your paper proofread by a
native speaker, preferably one who is familiar with the described technology.
Please visit IOS Press to download the instructions.
Abstracts that do not meet the required criteria will be sent back to the author to be re-formatted.
Abstract and Full Paper Publication
Presenters are required to submit a 2-page extended abstract which should include a short abstract (250 words).
For those who present their oral/student abstract in person, they are invited to have their article published in the Annual Review of CyberTherapy and
Telemedicine, (ARCTT) indexed in PsycINFO. However, not all articles are guaranteed to be published in the ARCTT.
Presenter Requirements:
Oral presentations are to be 15 minutes including time for questions. Student presentations are 10 minutes including time for questions.
Presenters must register for the conference. There is a limit of one oral/symposium presentation per first author per registration. For a full paper to
be published in IOS Press, the study must be presented in person at the conference. Any absences will result in forfeiture of registration costs as well
as an automatic rejection in the inclusion of the full paper in the Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine (ARCTT).
Early Innovators Student Symposium
Sponsored by the iACToR Student SIG, the Student Symposium will provide students an
opportunity to have a dedicated session during the conference. Please see above for the
abstract submission guidelines.