CyberTherapy 2008 – Cyberarium / CyberFashion

Many presenters at the conference will display their own virtual reality material during an event called the Cyberarium, in the evening of June 24th, 2008. This show-and-tell presentation (open to the press), will feature a variety of virtual reality products and demonstrations on how these tools are being applied for therapeutic purposes. To exhibit at the Cyberarium, please fill out the cyberarium form to assure we reserve a space for you. To get the form, click here. Space at the Cyberarium will be assigned on a first-come basis.

Corporations and businesses are also welcome and can use the opportunity to promote their company and products. The opportunity to host an exhibit for the entirety of the conference is available for a fee and we are open to many forms of collaborations and partnerships. Please confirm your interest before May 15th, 2008. For more infomation, you can send an email to frontoffice @ or call (819) 776-8045.