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Pre-Conference Workshops
Workshops will focus on data driven material that is representative of the current state of research and knowledge in that field. They include a familiarization with specific specialty areas, an in-depth discussion with leading experts in their specialty areas and a hands-on experience in most tutorials.

30 June, All Day

Workshop 1 - Electronic Health Coaching
Willem-Paul Brinkman, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Claudia Pagliari, The University of Edinburgh, UK

This workshop will investigate computerized coaching applications that support health assessment, therapy, lifestyle changes etc. eCoaches are intelligent computer agents implemented in mobile apps, on websites, or as standalone applications that provide mental coaching to promote health, well-being and the prevention of illness. Researchers, developers and health professionals will participate in this workshop by presenting and discussing their latest work, with a focus on elements such as clinical, cognitive, emotional and ergonomic aspects on issues as acceptance, motivation, trust, adherence, usage, experience of eCoaches, but also effective ways to design and evaluated them. The main objective of the workshop is to strengthen this growing community within this research area, thereby allowing a lively exchange of ideas with the aim of supporting the research of the workshop members, as well as working towards the publication of a special journal issue.

This full day workshop is only open to authors of accepted position papers for this workshop. Therefore, to participate in the workshop, please submit a position paper with your ideas, work or demo description. The paper may be up to 4 pages long. Submissions should be send to w.p.brinkman@tudelft.nl before 28 April 2013. For more details please check the workshop website (http://mmi.tudelft.nl/ecoaching). Please note that the submissions to this workshop are independent from everything related to the host conference.

30 June, Morning

Workshop 2 - Using Virtual Reality in The Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Stéphane Bouchard, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada TBA

The use of virtual reality (VR) in the treatment of anxiety disorders has evolved from specific phobias to complex anxiety disorders such as post- traumatic stress disorder and social anxiety disorder. VR environments are now available to treat two new disorders, generalized anxiety disorders (GAD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). For GAD, VR can be used either to practice stress management skills with biofeedback or to conduct exposure to fear-inducing scenarios. Exposure is also the main focus of the VR environments for OCD. This practical workshop will briefly survey the existing studies on VR for GAD and OCD, and teach how to use some of these virtual environments with patients.

30 June, Afternoon

Workshop 3 - Social Networks and Health Care
Pietro Cipresso, Istituto Auxlogico Italiano, Italy Carlo Galimberti, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Italy

Social networking sites (SNSs) such as Facebook, Linkedin, Google+, and Twitter are becoming more and more relevant in many aspects of communication, interaction, human behavior, and even personality. SNSs are also becoming prominent in Health Care.

In particular, SNSs allow patients to make visible and available their opinions, problems, experiences and their social network too. From this perspective SNSs could be defined as web-based services that enable users (1) to create a personal profile with different privacy level, (2) to structure a list of other users with whom they share a connection and (3) to view and analyze their behavior within the system and their list of connections.

More everyday-life relationships and social networking through mediated interfaces, like SNSs are becoming strictly connected. However a big methodological gap still exists between psychology research on SNSs and their analytical exploration.

SNSs, such as Facebook, can be represented mathematically in order to understand their evolution, dynamical processes, diffusion over the network structures, and many other issues. Thus, it is possible to create a mathematical model (a matrix) containing the relationship that we want to study (e.g. friendship in Facebook), and consequently analyze this matrix to understand, through well-known indexes, important characteristics of the studied network, such as centrality analyzed with "Betweenness", "Closeness", and "Degree" measures.

Aim of the Workshop is to provide simple tools to extract, understand and manipulate networks complexity, gaining more insights through a deeper comprehension of the represented social phenomena. Many examples and practical sessions will be experienced during the workshop. A large set of materials and a dedicated website including videos and tutorials complete the course.

No mathematics or advanced computer science is required. The only requirement is the attention.

  Virtual Reality Medical Institute, 30 Clos Chapelle aux Champs, Box 1.3030, 1200 Brussels, Belgium   www.vrphobia.eu
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